“Although most cocaine in the USA is snorted intranasally, smoking crack cocaine has become widely publicized. The imported hydrochloride salt is converted to a more volatile form, usually by adding sodium bicarbonate, water, and heat. The converted material is combusted, and the resultant smoke inhaled. Onset of effect is quicker, and intensity of the ‘high’ is magnified. Use of crack by the urban poor and the criminal market for crack have become the most feared problems of drug abuse. Despite frequent predictions, crack use has not expanded to the suburbs or the urban middle class. Its continued use still occurs primarily in poor Americans.”

The brand new and improved winners circle spot opened up yesterday. I just went down there and had a bunch of free beer and picked up some new duds. go and check it out the place looks really sick all around.
oh, and they will be carrying ACTUAL PAIN’s Fall and Winter line so be on the lookout! IT’LL be there NEXT WEEK!
THey also carry:
ALIFE, Reason, Rebel 8, The Hundreds, Public Label, House 33, 3 Sixteen, Eriffs, Free Gold Watch, Mack Daddy, Knowledge, 10 Deep, Hellz Bellz, Married to the Mob, Mama, Made Me, Nike Jordan Brand
1353 E. Olive way
on the corner of Melrose and Olive right next to Faire Coffee and the Anne Bonnie.
Evo is throwing a party with DYME DEF and SEAN C at the shop out in Fremont. fuck yeah!
It’s sponsered by Mickey’s Malted beverages, so get there early and score some free Mickey’s and free food you cheap bastards.
burial chamber trio
Burial Chamber Trio are greg anderson of sunn, some other dude, and atilla of, ahem, mayhem. They will be performing live at Chop Suey on october 11th. according to the southern lord website it’s the only date they are playing at all. oh, Earth and Lesbian are playing this show… trying to think of a reason not to go… can’t think of one.
oh wait there’s going to be a lot of nerds there. but i’ll be on some kind of downers so it’ll be worth it.
i’ve been addicted to getting new tattoos but that’s only thanks to vinse one at Liberty tattoo in seattle, wa. if you are in seattle and need tattoos, go there.
Lightning swords of death are the best blackmetal band you’ve never heard of. Hailing from LA, they only recently finished a brief West coast tour of something like 5 dates. I got the privilage of seeing them destroy Portland last month (with about thirty other lucky folks) and talking with autarch the singer of LSOD about LA, drugs, and David Lynch.
ACTUAL PAIN: so first off, what inspires you lyrically?
autarch: There is something that is within me. It is the color that is darker than black and it smolders with contempt for all human life. It is older than lunar dust and In lucid states I can almost feel it slither into the less navigable chasms of my mind. It shows me impossible places and perverse events and then demands that I share it with those who would dare listen.
ACTUAL PAIN: I know you know a lot about religious cults and the origins of religion in general, what is your current opinion of the world’s belief in God, be it a Judeo-Christian God or otherwise?

autarch: There is no way to sum that up in few words. We are slaves within a great death giving vacuum with great potential if the noose is removed.
ACTUAL PAIN: What’s in the future for LSOD?
autarch: The spreading of this plague to more cities. We have new material that will be unleashed once the The Golden Plague haft run it’s course.
ACTUAL PAIN: Do you design all the artwork for the band?
autarch: Yes
ACTUAL PAIN: It is awesome, how long have you been drawing stuff like this?
autarch: I have been drawing since I was a little kid, always monsters.
ACTUAL PAIN: Your live shows are pretty chaotic, and rad. Has anything fucked up ever happened in the crowd or after a show? Like, do people get pissed and fight at your concerts?
autarch: We have witnessed some bloodletting that bordered on self mutilation. There was an incident where members of the audience followed blood letting with the destruction of currency in the form of a fire kindled by money and credit cards at our feet. A friend of ours heard one of the security guards ask a girl to put out her cigarette while he stared blankly into the flames.
ACTUAL PAIN: that’s rad. was that in LA?
autarch: indeed
ACTUAL PAIN: does LA rule or what?
autarch: It is full of evil.
ACTUAL PAIN: david lynch sure fucking thinks so.
autarch: Yes, his last two films were chillingly accurate right down to the most strange elements. Inland Empire only played for one night here.
ACTUAL PAIN: i thought it was awesome too, one of his bests to date. I just wish he’d film more shit up here in the woods.
autarch: yes, the owls are not what they seem.
ACTUAL PAIN: What does LSOD do to unwind? To “party” so to speak?
autarch: We are all different in our habits. Only for myself can I speak, and I have a grand appetite for all things. My use of hallucinogenic though has been reserved for ritual use only… I like bloody marys.
ACTUAL PAIN: ever smoke salvia divinorum?
autarch: Yes, I prefer DMT, but it is scarce and I can procure that 10ft from my door. Yoga is better.
ACTUAL PAIN: what’s the strangest or most interesting trip you’ve had?
autarch: I had what Crowley describes I think as the wisdom of the holy guardian angel. It was very long conversation with a towering gold skinned humanoid in a language I cannot describe or produce in this plane. What we talked about is the source of a great deal of LSOD’s material.
ACTUAL PAIN: that’s awesome.
autarch: ROSKVA has been killed and brought back on two occasions and had a very similar experience.
ACTUAL PAIN: Hails autarch, anything else before I post? Final words?
autarch: With this infernal machine they shall feed it the souls of slaves until the earth is a world of shells, yearning to be filled with the black flame of freedom.
ACTUAL PAIN: ok, thanks!